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How an LGBTQ+ Streaming Network is Changing the World

Ladderworks, a publishing platform of diverse picture books and online curriculum with the mission to empower over a million kids to become social entrepreneurs, published a new article on featuring an interview with Revry CEO and co-founderDamian Pelliccione.

Spiffy: Welcome, Damian! I am absolutely thrilled to be talking to you today. Let’s jump right in. Can you tell me what challenges you are addressing through Revry?

Damian: It’s an absolute pleasure to be here, Spiffy! At Revry, we believe that representation saves lives. To address this problem, we created the world's largest LGBTQ+ streaming network to showcase the most diverse and culturally rich stories from and about the queer community that has ever existed.

Read the full Ladderworks interview here.