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LGBTQ+ Celebs Celebrate New Beginnings
Celebs celebrate queer beginnings and we chat up Zolita at LA Pride!
The Impact of Harvey Milk
Harvey Milk was the first openly gay man elected to public office in the United States, serving as a member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors in the 1970s. He pushed for and passed gay rights ordinances in San Francisco and serves as a major actor in the acquisition for queer rights in American politics. To carry his legacy, Revry is showcasing films that encapsulate the need and push for queer rights.
MJ Rodriguez Makes Herstory; Honoring Bayard Rustin; A Conversation with Blossom C Brown; Timothy LeDuc Becomes First Non-binary Athlete Heading to Winter Olympics
This week, we celebrate MJ Rodriguez's Golden Globe Award for her work on Pose!