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Nico Santos and Zeke Smith Get Engaged; Jojo Siwa Breaks the Internet; Disney's Don't Say Gay Saga Continues; Red Carpet Chat with Amy Schneider
Jojo Siwa breaks the internet and Disney's "Don't Say Gay" Saga continues.
Drag Race's Willow Pill and Jasmine Kennedie Come Out; John Cameron Mitchell Talks Joe vs Carole; Queerties Red Carpet Coverage; Firefighters Fire Back at Anti-LGBTQ Trolls
This week on Culture Q, we cover the red carpet at the Queerties!
Ariana Debose Hosts SNL; Clay Aiken Runs for Congress; Interview with Key West Business Guild’s Fritzie Estimond; US Blood Crisis and Homophobia; Sex with Cancer
This week, we talk about West Side Story's Ariana Debose hosting SNL on Culture Q.