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Gaingels Los Angeles Fireside Chat with Revry: Emerging Diverse Founders

Join Gaingels for an amazing fire side chat celebrating diversity on Wednesday, March 9 in Los Angeles . Panelists Damian Pelliccione, Alia Daniels, LaShawn McGhee, and Chris Rodriguez will dive into the topic of modern day founders, and the diversity they are bringing to the business world.

Gaingels is a leading LGBTQIA+/Allies investment syndicate, and one of the largest and most active private investors in North America1 dedicated to supporting diversity in leadership at all levels within the venture capital ecosystem. Gaingels co-invests with select venture capital leads in companies resolved on building diverse and inclusive teams. We seek to drive top returns while influencing the ecosystem and representing the LGBTQ community, its allies, and a diverse group of investors within the capital stack of its portfolio companies.

Click here for event information.