Industry Paul Kontonis Industry Paul Kontonis

Finding Riches In The Niches with Revry CEO Damian Pelliccione

"Diversity" and "representation" aren’t just buzzwords, nor should efforts to achieve them stop in the boardroom and HR department. If you’re not reaching as diverse an audience as possible, you’re leaving money on the table; the LGBTQ market alone is estimated to represent $1.1 trillion in spending power in the U.S. alone. On this panel, representatives from niche video services join their wider-reaching counterparts to talk about the importance of diversity in OTT and how to achieve it.

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Industry Paul Kontonis Industry Paul Kontonis

How Niche Services Can Find Mainstream Success Featuring Damian Pelliccione of Revry

Whether they’re defined by the type of content—science fiction, horror, romance—or the type of audience, niche services are the long tail of the OTT universe. But just because their audiences are limited doesn’t mean their revenue opportunities are. Partnerships with aggregators and “mainstream” services offer pathways to bigger viewership numbers, and innovative marketing approaches can turn small services into big successes. Join us as we talk about how.

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