Industry Paul Kontonis Industry Paul Kontonis

Finding Riches In The Niches with Revry CEO Damian Pelliccione

"Diversity" and "representation" aren’t just buzzwords, nor should efforts to achieve them stop in the boardroom and HR department. If you’re not reaching as diverse an audience as possible, you’re leaving money on the table; the LGBTQ market alone is estimated to represent $1.1 trillion in spending power in the U.S. alone. On this panel, representatives from niche video services join their wider-reaching counterparts to talk about the importance of diversity in OTT and how to achieve it.

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Press Recap Paul Kontonis Press Recap Paul Kontonis

Streaming Media East: Damian Pellicione on Free Ad Supported Television

Chris Pfaff moderated a discussion at Streaming Media East featuring Damian Pelliccione, Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer, Revry, Chris Yates, General Manager, Redbox On Demand, Nick Colsey, Vice President, Business Development, Sony Electronics Inc., Srinivasan KA, Co-founder, Amagi and Philippe Guelton, EVP, Online Networks, Chicken Soup for the Soul Entertainment; President, Crackle Plus.

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Industry, Press Recap Paul Kontonis Industry, Press Recap Paul Kontonis

Ad-Supported Streaming Takes Over?

FAST, SVOD and AVOD are all different ways to bring programming to viewers with different costs to the viewer. All delivered over the internet, FAST is a service that unites live, linear TV with a VOD service whereas AVOD only has video on demand. Both FAST and AVOD are free to watch thanks to adverts whereas SVOD is usually advert-free as this is subscriber VOD where you pay monthly. This video from Streaming Media discusses the rise of FAST and its importance in the market.

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