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OUT with Gsus Lopez

Gsus Lopez (He/Him) is a writer-director based between The UK and Spain, with a passion for celebratory, uplifting, and joyous queer and working-class stories.

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Programming Guest User Programming Guest User

The Impact of Harvey Milk

Harvey Milk was the first openly gay man elected to public office in the United States, serving as a member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors in the 1970s. He pushed for and passed gay rights ordinances in San Francisco and serves as a major actor in the acquisition for queer rights in American politics. To carry his legacy, Revry is showcasing films that encapsulate the need and push for queer rights.

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Kate Jessop and Tales From Pussy Willow

Kate Jessop (She/Her) is a multi award winning Animation Director based in Brighton, UK. She has worked across narrative film, comedy, illustration, live visuals, music video and has undertaken artist residencies in Berlin, Istanbul and Reykjavik.

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DJ Davis Mallory aka DAVIS

Davis Mallory (He/Him), also known as DAVIS, has made a name for himself as a DJ and recording artist. Recognized on a national level, his music has been featured in Billboard, Huffpost, Us Weekly, People.

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Industry Paul Kontonis Industry Paul Kontonis

Finding Riches In The Niches with Revry CEO Damian Pelliccione

"Diversity" and "representation" aren’t just buzzwords, nor should efforts to achieve them stop in the boardroom and HR department. If you’re not reaching as diverse an audience as possible, you’re leaving money on the table; the LGBTQ market alone is estimated to represent $1.1 trillion in spending power in the U.S. alone. On this panel, representatives from niche video services join their wider-reaching counterparts to talk about the importance of diversity in OTT and how to achieve it.

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